q-channel AB – Business Policy



We want to work closely with our customers. We want to be known for a down-to-earth approach with short decision-making paths and be responsive to the interests of our customers.

We will be the personal company. Through an honest and trusting dialogue with our customers and suppliers, we will create and maintain long-term and good relationships.

We will work to ensure that our tasks can be reconciled with family and hobbies. We want good communication, good atmosphere and respect for the individual to prevail at q-channel.

Our customers should feel confident when they hire q-channel. This means that we should always behave with good business ethics, competence and professional skills. We should have a good planning, always have an ambition to do right from the start, eliminate risks and stick to promised times.

We will comply with laws and requirements, choose the best possible technology, prioritise renewable resources and avoid environmental contaminants.

We are a responsive and learning organisation that constantly works with improvements in products and services.


Quality and safety

The company is responsive to employees ' and customers ' views and strives to meet their respective needs and exceed their expectations.

All facilities and installations are designed and performed safely and maintenance-and care-friendly.

Work is carried out by skilled employees with good experience and with relevant, updated and verified knowledge in relevant areas.

All works are planned, delivered at the agreed time, installed, checked and documented according to the company's instructions.

Our quality and accessibility create satisfied customers so they gladly return and recommend us.

Working Environment policy

The working environment should be such that everyone feels needed, safe and cared for. We will have high ceilings, straight communication and open doors. We are open and responsive to each other's needs and desires. We are committed to maintaining the joy of working and loyalty to the company. Our ambition is to keep our business at the highest possible technological level.

Employers and workers must cooperate in order to achieve a good working environment. Work must be compatible with a family life.


Discrimination policy

The company looks seriously at discrimination and harassment of all kinds. The good workplace – where everyone has equal rights and value – liberates energy, desire and creativity that promotes the work result.

The company's work against discrimination in working life is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Swedish discrimination law. We shall have a workplace completely free from harassment based on gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic origin and any other form of abuse.


Alcohol and Drug policy

We have zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs in the company. This includes backfilling. Contributors who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs in the workplace are immediately banned from their duties. The person who notices that an employee is affected will contact the management team. It is then the responsibility of the work management that the affected is taken care of. As an employer, you are always obliged to help employees with problems to have access to appropriate help, with the aim of being able to return to their duties.


q-channel AB
Bo Stintzing, CEO